Checklist for Common Errors – always check this

  1. make sure that SourceMods always has both time_manager and shr_const_mod
  2. make sure shr_const_mod has 28 for mean molecular mass on normal atmosphere
  3. make sure that if i change day length on shr_const_mod, then i must ALSO change it on time_manager.F90
  4. make sure namelist has dtime=1200 if I want to change the mean molecular mass
  5. make sure all “float” variables are declared as reals
  6. if i want to change the planet’s distance from the sun, then uncomment out day_in_year
  7. make sure that i’m using the latest version of time_manager.F90 synchronized from dropbox
  8. always qsub run-cam3.csh
  9. read page 53 of the CAM3 users manual for more suggestions (-nospmd, which is irrelevant for atms computers), check stack size, etc…
  10. Note year encoding: date = year*10000 + month*100 + day ! coded calendar date
  11. If all else fails, consider changing the dynamics to lagrangian or finite volume
when running PowerGREP…
  1. search is regular expressions search, so always “\(” in place of “\”
also, remember old strategies…
  1. change all values of 86400 and 365 outside of time_manager.f90 (but remember the hardcoded 80.5 for vernal equinox too)
  2. ask people who also ran CAM3 for help (ctrl-f time_manager in gmail).
  3. google scholar “community atmospheric model” + exoplanets
  4. google the parts of the code that i need help on
  5. ask cecilia/david battisti/even the people at chicago
  6. look at cecilia’s other model runs (and the other atms 380 ones)
  7. PowerGREP all the old hard-coded values I tried in old emails (I’m much more familiar with the code now, so I can understand what I previously failed to understand)
  8. Read all my old logs in that old CAM3 folder in Dropbox
and for code help
Stack Exchange, Physics Forums, Reddit, Quora

3 Responses to Checklist for Common Errors – always check this

  1. inquilinekea says:

    when any matlab file is labeled new-Analyze.m, i get this problem: ??? Undefined function or variable ‘new’. so don’t put underscores in

  2. inquilinekea says:

    for everything with dependencies in cecilia’s directories – check to see if those dependencies still exist

  3. inquilinekea says:

    when running diags.csh, if I get this…

    ERROR: /home/disk/p/atms380_2011Q1/achen89/Desktop/achen89/RadicalNewCorrections/GasConstant44/run/ NOT FOUND
    ERROR: NEEDED MONTHLY FILES NOT IN /home/disk/p/atms380_2011Q1/achen89/Desktop/achen89/RadicalNewCorrections/GasConstant44/run/
    26 td%


    I should try changing

    ERROR: /home/disk/p/atms380_2011Q1/achen89/Desktop/achen89/RadicalNewCorrections/GasConstant44/run/ NOT FOUND
    ERROR: NEEDED MONTHLY FILES NOT IN /home/disk/p/atms380_2011Q1/achen89/Desktop/achen89/RadicalNewCorrections/GasConstant44/run/

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